المشاركات الشائعة

How to reach your Goals!

Be Teachable – Become the best at what you’re doing.  Learn
everything you can about your industry, business opportunity,
marketing and more.You need to invest time to learn about
your business, marketing and more…every day.  25% of your
time should be spent on training.Make sure you learn one
thing at a time.
Work On Your Attitude – This actually takes work.  You are what
you read they say…or garbage in garbage out.What do they
mean?Our minds are amazing.You can literally change your
outlook on life and how you feel about life in general by
changing your thoughts, reading good books (like the magic of
thinking big) ,working on your
self affirmations , etc which will help you become a better you. 
Check out some sections on my other website that talks about
“succeeding in your home based business” and an area called
“personal development“.
Set Goals – Setting goals is key to success.  We all need
direction…a plan of attack as they say.   Some people are afraid
to set goals because they are afraid of failure.   The key is to set
small goals that are stepping stones.  Making a single call might
be a goal at the beginning if you’re afraid of the phone.   If you
don’t like reading, you should make it a goal to just read one
page or one chapter per day…you’ll see, it wil get easier and
easier.  Achieving big goals is just the result of achieving many
little goals.Just take it one step at a time.
Work Hard – Success takes hard work.  Make no mistake, there
is no easy way to success…I wish, but there is not.  If someone
tells you their business opportunity is easy.
Be Consistent – I know a lot of people that work hard but they
are very inconsistent.  Especially, if you’re working on your
dream part time, you need to set specific days and specific
hours aside each week to build your brick and mortar or home
Pray – My personal key to success is to pray like it’s up to God
and work like it’s up to me.  This last component to success in
my life ( I believe it was the most important component of all)
was my relationship with God.  I know that without him I would
have not had the success I had.Am I saying that one cannot
have success without God…of course not.There are lots of
people who are successful who don’t really know or care about
God…and that’s a shame and really their loss.Some people
think that they would have to give up their success if they
wanted God in their life…that’s just a BIG lie.God lets you enjoy
your success, adding joy, peace, love, good health and more.
That’s True Success!

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